Another patent for Hydro-Vacuum S.A.
“He who does not move forward - he is regressing, he who does not constantly improve his qualifications - he is not dynamic and creative, [...]”. J. W. Goethe.
This motto is constantly guiding us, as evidenced by the results of the work of Hydro-Vacuum S.A.'s Research and Development Department.
Recently, we have obtained a new patent (No. 245779) for a sewage pumping unit, which we are pleased to share with you today.
It is dedicated to a pumping system consisting of cooperating pumping stations and wastewater pumping stations with significant capacities.
It is notable for the fact that in the inflow channel to the whole system there is a specially shaped bar structure of the initial solids separator.
The solution is used for sanitary sewage and rainwater drainage systems.